
Extending Ent with the Extension API

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A few months ago, Ariel made a silent but highly-impactful contribution to Ent's core, the Extension API. While Ent has had extension capabilities (such as Code-gen Hooks, External Templates, and Annotations) for a long time, there wasn't a convenient way to bundle together all of these moving parts into a coherent, self-contained component. The Extension API which we discuss in the post does exactly that.

Many open-source ecosystems thrive specifically because they excel at providing developers an easy and structured way to extend a small, core system. Much criticism has been made of the Node.js ecosystem (even by its original creator Ryan Dahl) but it is very hard to argue that the ease of publishing and consuming new npm modules facilitated the explosion in its popularity. I've discussed on my personal blog how protoc's plugin system works and how that made the Protobuf ecosystem thrive. In short, ecosystems are only created under modular designs.

In our post today, we will explore Ent's Extension API by building a toy example.

Getting Started

The Extension API only works for projects use Ent's code-generation as a Go package. To set that up, after initializing your project, create a new file named ent/entc.go:

//+build ignore

package main

import (


func main() {
err := entc.Generate("./schema", &gen.Config{})
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("running ent codegen:", err)

Next, modify ent/generate.go to invoke our entc file:

package ent

//go:generate go run entc.go

Creating our Extension

All extension's must implement the Extension interface:

type Extension interface {
// Hooks holds an optional list of Hooks to apply
// on the graph before/after the code-generation.
Hooks() []gen.Hook
// Annotations injects global annotations to the gen.Config object that
// can be accessed globally in all templates. Unlike schema annotations,
// being serializable to JSON raw value is not mandatory.
// {{- with $.Config.Annotations.GQL }}
// {{/* Annotation usage goes here. */}}
// {{- end }}
Annotations() []Annotation
// Templates specifies a list of alternative templates
// to execute or to override the default.
Templates() []*gen.Template
// Options specifies a list of entc.Options to evaluate on
// the gen.Config before executing the code generation.
Options() []Option

To simplify the development of new extensions, developers can embed entc.DefaultExtension to create extensions without implementing all methods. In entc.go, add:

// ...

// GreetExtension implements entc.Extension.
type GreetExtension {

Currently, our extension doesn't do anything. Next, let's connect it to our code-generation config. In entc.go, add our new extension to the entc.Generate invocation:

err := entc.Generate("./schema", &gen.Config{}, entc.Extensions(&GreetExtension{})

Adding Templates

External templates can be bundled into extensions to enhance Ent's core code-generation functionality. With our toy example, our goal is to add to each entity a generated method name Greet that returns a greeting with the type's name when invoked. We're aiming for something like:

func (u *User) Greet() string {
return "Greetings, User"

To do this, let's add a new external template file and place it in ent/templates/greet.tmpl:

{{ define "greet" }}

{{/* Add the base header for the generated file */}}
{{ $pkg := base $.Config.Package }}
{{ template "header" $ }}

{{/* Loop over all nodes and add the Greet method */}}
{{ range $n := $.Nodes }}
{{ $receiver := $n.Receiver }}
func ({{ $receiver }} *{{ $n.Name }}) Greet() string {
return "Greetings, {{ $n.Name }}"
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

Next, let's implement the Templates method:

func (*GreetExtension) Templates() []*gen.Template {
return []*gen.Template{

Next, let's kick the tires on our extension. Add a new schema for the User type in a file named ent/schema/user.go:

package schema

import (

// User holds the schema definition for the User entity.
type User struct {

// Fields of the User.
func (User) Fields() []ent.Field {
return []ent.Field{

Next, run:

go generate ./...

Observe that a new file, ent/greet.go, was created, it contains:

// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT.

package ent

func (u *User) Greet() string {
return "Greetings, User"

Great! Our extension was invoked from Ent's code-generation and produced the code we wanted for our schema!

Adding Annotations

Annotations provide a way to supply users of our extension with an API to modify the behavior of code generation logic. To add annotations to our extension, implement the Annotations method. Suppose that for our GreetExtension we want to provide users with the ability to configure the greeting word in the generated code:

// GreetingWord implements entc.Annotation
type GreetingWord string

func (GreetingWord) Name() string {
return "GreetingWord"

Next, we add a word field to our GreetExtension struct:

type GreetExtension struct {
Word GreetingWord

Next, implement the Annotations method:

func (s *GreetExtension) Annotations() []entc.Annotation {
return []entc.Annotation{

Now, from within your templates you can access the GreetingWord annotation. Modify ent/templates/greet.tmpl to use our new annotation:

func ({{ $receiver }} *{{ $n.Name }}) Greet() string {
return "{{ $.Annotations.GreetingWord }}, {{ $n.Name }}"

Next, modify the code-generation configuration to set the GreetingWord annotation:

err := entc.Generate("./schema",
Word: GreetingWord("Shalom"),

To see our annotation control the generated code, re-run:

go generate ./...

Finally, observe that the generated ent/greet.go was updated:

func (u *User) Greet() string {
return "Shalom, User"

Hooray! We added an option to use an annotation to control the greeting word in the generated Greet method!

More Possibilities

In addition to templates and annotations, the Extension API allows developers to bundle gen.Hooks and entc.Options in extensions to further control the behavior of your code-generation. In this post we will not discuss these possibilities, but if you are interested in using them head over to the documentation.

Wrapping Up

In this post we explored via a toy example how to use the Extension API to create new Ent code-generation extensions. As we've mentioned above, modular design that allows anyone to extend the core functionality of software is critical to the success of any ecosystem. We're seeing this claim start to realize with the Ent community, here's a list of some interesting projects that use the Extension API:

  • elk - an extension to generate REST endpoints from Ent schemas.
  • entgql - generate GraphQL servers from Ent schemas.
  • entviz - generate ER diagrams from Ent schemas.

And what about you? Do you have an idea for a useful Ent extension? I hope this post demonstrated that with the new Extension API, it is not a difficult task.

Have questions? Need help with getting started? Feel free to join our Discord server or Slack channel.

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